Metroid Prime (GCN) - 22% 1:34 - Besmir 'zoid' Sheqi
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Low% speed run of Metroid Prime, collecting only the minimum 22% items, completed on May 5, 2007. Available in low, normal, high and insane quality.
Author's comments:
This low%: 22% 1:34 run is my first and only low% run of my Life, i have never even done a 23% run before and now i did a 22% run. I saw that everyone was doing 22% runs so i also wanted to do one and i wanted to prove that i am also capable of doing a 22% run. Of course it's not a new world record, it's 16 minutes slower than Trebor's 1:18 world record, but I am still proud of it as it's my first and only low percent run, and i am not experienced with low% runs. In this run i didn't care about time, i just wanted to do it regardless of the time, time was subordinate. The beginning of the run till i got to the power bomb was really bad, but after i did vent shaft and geo core the run got much better. I got the vent shaft bomb jump very fast i got it on my 3rd attempt. I also got the Geo Core stall with the puddle spore dash very fast i got it on my 16th attempt. I know geo core has not much to do with skills but it's random so i was very lucky with geo. I was very surprised Life Grove was so easy. I got it on my first attempt, i really don't know why it's called the 'big three' it should be called 'big two' (geo core and vent shaft). Though i'm not sure probably on PAL version Life Grove is harder than on NTSC, i dunno i haven't tried it on PAL. Well I hope somebody will enjoy my first and only low percent run.
Author's comments:
This low%: 22% 1:34 run is my first and only low% run of my Life, i have never even done a 23% run before and now i did a 22% run. I saw that everyone was doing 22% runs so i also wanted to do one and i wanted to prove that i am also capable of doing a 22% run. Of course it's not a new world record, it's 16 minutes slower than Trebor's 1:18 world record, but I am still proud of it as it's my first and only low percent run, and i am not experienced with low% runs. In this run i didn't care about time, i just wanted to do it regardless of the time, time was subordinate. The beginning of the run till i got to the power bomb was really bad, but after i did vent shaft and geo core the run got much better. I got the vent shaft bomb jump very fast i got it on my 3rd attempt. I also got the Geo Core stall with the puddle spore dash very fast i got it on my 16th attempt. I know geo core has not much to do with skills but it's random so i was very lucky with geo. I was very surprised Life Grove was so easy. I got it on my first attempt, i really don't know why it's called the 'big three' it should be called 'big two' (geo core and vent shaft). Though i'm not sure probably on PAL version Life Grove is harder than on NTSC, i dunno i haven't tried it on PAL. Well I hope somebody will enjoy my first and only low percent run.
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